Office 365 Registration and unsubscribe of Employees

How to automate in Office 365 the Registration and unsubscribe of Employees?

Here we come with one more entry of a series of posts about INNOVAmee’s Employee Portal for Office 365 – INNOVAmee

In previous posts we have also dealt with other process automation that may interest you, such as automating the vacation request, managing vouchers or modifying employee data.

In the process of hiring new employees to companies, there are a series of routines that must be carried out and at the same time adapted to each employee and company. In fact, onboarding employees is one of the heaviest and most monotonous tasks in the HR department.

For this reason we have created the automation of the process through an Office365 flow. The aim is to standardize the process for each company so that it is the employee who fills in a registration form to enter his/her data in the correspondent file or list of the company.

Thus, the incorporation of new employees is accelerated, driven by the automation that Office365 Flow allows, reducing costs and time for the HR department and the company.

The operation that we have created is the simplest possible. The information is requested all in a single form. At the end, an informative email with a summary of the data is sent to the HR department. The information can be stored in a table or a file.

This flow to automate employee registrations can also be reproduced to formalize employee unsubscribes automatically. This way, offboarding, can be registered and processed in a more agile way.

Our aim with these small Office 365 flows is to facilitate the routine processes of many SMEs and micro-companies and to help them progressively within a continuous process of digital improvement. In this sense, we believe that companies that have already migrated to Office 365 have greater ease in executing Registration and unsubscribe of employees.

If you think your company needs a Digital Transformation Project, contact us at INNOVAmee

2020-12-22T15:43:21+00:00December 22nd, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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