Warning for mac users
Mac user? Do not update your sistem to macOS Catalina 10.15 until you perform the following check.
From INNOVAmee we want to help you perform a few simple checks before installing the latest update of macOS Catalina since it no longer supports programs and applications based on 32bits. This means that some programs installed would stop working after updating your computer.
Where to check? We need to check which installed applications have this 32-bit architecture. We can see it by clicking on the Apple Icon–> About thisMac–>System Info–>Software–>Apps.
What can I do? For apps that appear to you as “incompatible” or “non-optimized,” you’ll need to update them or search for later versions with 64bits architecture.
Keeping equipment up-to-date and configured for optimal performance is what we do and recommend from INNOVAmee. Need some help?
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